Phase I Archives

Publication YearTitleSizeCreatorFile
1969The Police and the Rest of Us (10/1969)45 pagesCommunity Relations Council of New Orleans
1964Police Handling of Arrestees: A Research Study of Police Arrests in New Orleans (3/1964)65 pagesFather Fichter, Department of Sociology Loyola University of the South, collaboration with Brian Jordan
1971A Survey of the Police Department New Orleans, Louisiana (7/1971)350 pagesField Operations Division, International Association of Chiefs of Police
1975 Citzen Complaints about Police Personnel (6/1975)7 pagesMcManis Associates, Inc
1975Letter from McManis Executives Describing Report (11/1975)4 pagesMcManis Associates, Inc
1976Executive Summary: Major Recommendations for Management of Effective Police Discipline [?]44 pagesInternational Association of the Chiefs of Police (IACP)
1979Police Accountability: Handling Complaints of Police Misconduct88 pagesInstitute for Governmental Studies, Loyola University
1982A Balance of Forces: Executive Summary (9/1982)34 pagesKenneth J. Mutulia, US Department of Justice
1983New Orleans Poll Report (5/1983)7 pagesRose-Stekler Associates
1984Police Calls2 pagesNew Orleans Police Department
1985Police Brutality Study343 pagesCriminal Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
1991Policing New Orleans in the Nineties: A Study of the Management and Operation of the New Orleans Police Department380 pagesInternational Association of the Chiefs of Police (IACP)
1993The New Orleans Police Department Revisited (6/1993)42 pagesThe International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
1993Report on Police Use of Force146 pagesThe Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Human Relations
1994Project Quality Force: A Quality Assessment of New Orleans Police Department (5/1994)292 pagesThe Louisiana National Guard in Partnership with The City of New Orleans
1995The Pennington Plan; Reform for the New Orleans Police Department (1/1995)29 pagesNew Orleans Police Department; Superintendent Richard Pennington
1995Report of the Police Reform Sub-Committee of the Human Relations Committee Metropolitan Area Committee (9/1995)13 pagesHuman Relations Committee of the Metropolitan Area Committee
1996Dramatically Reducing Crime in New Orleans: A Plan of Action for the New Orleans Police Department (10/1996)70 pagesRichard J. Pennington, Superintendent of Police
1996 Review of Specified Areas of Operations of the New Orleans Police Department (11/1996)38 pagesNew Orleans Police Foundation
20002000 City Livability Awards, New Orleans’ First-Place Application: NOPD Reform (5/2000)16 pagesU.S. Conference of Mayors and Waste Management
2000Report of the Zero Tolerance CommissionMarc H. Morial, Mayor
2001Recommendations Concerning the Handling of Charges of Police Misconduct7 pagesBill Hunter, Planning Supervisor CJCC
2002Report of the Police-Civilian Review Task Force (9/2002)85 pagesPolice-Civilian Review Task Force; Hon. Marlin N. Gusman, Chair
2005An Analysis of the New Orleans Police Department Residency Requirement {6/2005)22 pagesEarly Howell & Associates
2005Initial After Action Report: Hurricane KatrinaNew Orleans Police Department
2006Hurricane Katrina: A Nation Still Unprepared737 pagesUnited States Senate Together with Additional Views
2007A Strategic Plan of Action for the New Orleans Police Department 1.1267 pagesBrown Group International
2007A Strategic Plan of Action for the New Orleans Police Department 1.3188 pagesBrown Group International
2010An Assessment of the New Orleans Police Department Homicide Section: Recommendations for Best Practices (12/2010)57 pagesU.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
2011Investigation of the New Orleans Police Department (3/2011)158 pagesUnited States Department of Justice Civil Right Division
2012Consent Decree Regarding the New Orleans Police Department129 pagesThe United States Distrcit Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana
2012Public Comments on Consent Decree373 pagesGeneral Public
2013New Orleans Police Department Consent Decree Monitor ReportsConsent Decree Monitor
2014Legitimacy and Procedural Justice: The New Orleans Case Study (3/2014)45 pagesPolice Executive Research Forum, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
2016New Orleans Police Department Organizational Assessment (9/2016)156 pagesBerkshire Group

Accountability breeds response-ability.

― Stephen R. Covey