Our Mediators

We Are Now Recruiting!

 Applications are due January 15, 2024.

We are now recruiting our next cohort of mediators to get trained in March 2024. Applications are due January 15, 2024.

Check out our team

Be the change you want to see by serving as a mediator.


Our mediators range from ages 18 – 78 and are from all walks of life. To become a mediator, you do not need prior experience or a certain background. We will train you! All are encouraged to apply.

Our Inclusive Model of Mediation involves co-mediation, with the mediators focusing on understanding each participant’s values, feelings, and topics, and guiding them towards a problem-solving process. They follow a defined process that includes sharing the situation, identifying topics and goals, brainstorming options, and determining areas of agreement. Mediators receive monthly refresher training and adhere to high-quality standards.

Accountability breeds response-ability.

― Stephen R. Covey